






Part One—Grammar


I.                    挑錯請由以下各題ABCD中挑出一個文法錯誤者        (每小題二分)

1.          [        ] Alfred Wegener, who devoted much of his life for proving the theory of continental drift, was one of the first geologists to advance that theory.

                                                                                                A                                                                      B                                 C               D

2.          [        ] You would become irritated if you watched the correspondence to pile up on your desk day by day.

                                               A                             B                                         C                               D

3.          [        ] The announcement that postal service to the rural community would be resumed and started again was received by its residents with gratitude.

                                                             A                                                                             B                                C                                         D

4.          [        ] The Statute of Liberty was originally proposed in 1865 to commemoration the alliance of France with the American colonies during the American

                                                                   A            B                                 C                      D


5.          [        ] The training of performers, directors, and designers been the purpose of the American National Theatre and Academy for over 50 years.

                                               A                                        B                        C                                                                                      D

6.          [        ] Families in the United State usually eaten dinner about six o’clock in the evening.

                        A                                                 B                 C                     D

7.          [        ] Electricians use the term “ground” for an electrical conductor that is connectioned to the earth to complete a circuit.

                                                                                      A                         B             C                                     D

8.          [        ] Price reach an equilibrium at the level at which quantity demanded equals and is the same as quantity supplied.

                                       A                         B                            C                                 D

1.           [        ] It is there things that strengthen us, teach us, and increases out efficiency ten times over.

                                                           A                     B               C                                   D

2.          [        ] The value of the dollar declines as the rate of inflation raises.

                                        A               B       C                                 D

II.        請選出一個正確答案 



3.          [        ] One difficulty ________ the components of economic movements is that those components are not completely independent of one another.

(A) of isolation            (B) will isolate            (C) in isolating            (D) be isolated

4.          [        ] An air brake is ________ the power of compressed air to stop a wheel from turning.

(A) a brake that uses

(B) a brake used to

(C) what any brake is used for

(D) that brake is used for

5.          [        ] ________ of the number of distinct Indian languages in the Americas range from 1,000 to 2,000.

(A) In the estimates

(B) Estimates

(C) The estimates of how many

(D) Since the estimates

6.          [        ] “My brother can’t speak English.”

(A) Either can my sister.

(B) Either can’

(C) Neither can my sister.

(D) Neither can’t my sister.

7.          [        ] Although wages increase regularly, ________.

(A) so do expenses

(B) also expenses increase

(C) expenses were increased too

(D) they are increased the same as expenses

8.          [         ] ________ people depend on such a great extent on forests, every effort must be made to preserve trees and wildlife.

(A) How            (B) That            (C) Since           (D) which

9.          [        ] Pierre, South Dakota, ________ capital is almost in the exact center of the state.

(A) the            (B) it is the            (C) there            (D) where is the   

10.      [        ] Only in recent years ________ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm.

(A) people have

(B) since people have

(C) have people

(D) people who have

11.      [        ] The lens of a camera performs ________ the lens of the eye.

(A) in the same function

(B) the same function as

(C) the function is the same as

(D) and has the same function

12.      [        ] Some fleas have one or two eyes, but others have ________ .

(A) none            (B) never            (C) not some            (D) no   




Part Two—Translation

I.                    Please translate the following statement into Chinese   

( 本題十分 )


American courts are not embraced within a single judicial or governmental structure. Properly speaking, there is no such thing as the American judicial system. Instead, there are multiple systems, each independent of the others. There are also multiple sources of American law. The courts of one system are often called upon to apply and interpret the law generated in another. Moreover, there is often duplicative, concurrent over the same case in two or more judicial systems. These circumstances and others combine to give the United States its extraordinarily complicated legal order.

The great divide in the American legal landscape is the state-federal line. It derives from the United States Constitution, pursuant to which the federal government was created in 1789 to “form a more perfect Union” of the existing states. The federal government and the state governments coexist, with a broad range of power delegated to the former and all others reserved to the latter. Each of these governments has its own court system, autonomous and self-contained.


II.        英翻中( 每小題二分 )

1.      Estoppel

2.      Tender Offer

3.      Unilateral Contract

4.      Subsidiary

5.      Prosecution


III.       中翻英

6.      智慧財產權

7.      法理學

8.      合併

9.      信用狀

10.  違憲審查



Part Three—Reading Comprehension

( 每小題二分 )


Text 1.

The science of meteorology is concerned with the study of the structure, state, and behavior of the atmosphere. The subject may be approached from several directions, but the scene cannot be fully appreciated from any one vantage point. Different views must be integrated to give perspective to the whole picture.

One may consider the atmosphere at a given moment and attempt to predict changes from that condition over a period of a few hours to a few days ahead. This approach is covered by the branch of the science called synoptic meteorology.

Synoptic meteorology is the scientific basis of the technique of weather forecasting by means of the preparation and analysis of weather maps and aerological diagrams. The practical importance of the numerous applications of weather forecasting cannot be overestimated. In serving the needs of shipping, aviation, agriculture, industry, and many other interests and fields of human activity with accurate weather warnings and professional forecast advice, great benefits are reaped in the form of the saving of human life and property and in economic advantages of various kinds. One important purpose of the science of meteorology is constantly to strive, through advanced study and research, to increase our knowledge of the atmosphere with the aim of improving the accuracy of weather forecasts.

The tools needed to advance our knowledge in this way are the disciplines of mathematics and physics applied to solve meteorological problems. The use of these tools forma that branch of the science called dynamic meteorology.


1.      Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

(A)  The Limitations of  Meteorological Forecasting

(B)   New Advances in Synoptic Meteorology

(C)  Advances to the Science of Meteorology

(D)  observations of commercial airline pilots


2.      The predictions of synoptic meteorologists are directly based on the

(A)  application of the physical sciences

(B)   preparation and study of weather maps

(C)  anticipated needs of industry

(D)  observations of commercial airline pilots

3.      Which of the following is NOT referred to by the author as a field whose needs are served by weather forecasting?

(A)  Transportation

(B)   Manufacturing

(C)  Farming

(D)  Sports

4.      The author implies that increased accuracy in weather forecasting will lead to

(A)  more funds allocated to meteorological research

(B)   greater protection of human life

(C)  a higher number of professional forecasters

(D)  less-specialized forms of synoptic meteorology

5.      Which of the following statements best describes the organization of the third paragraph of the passage?

(A)  A procedure is explained and its importance is emphasized

(B)   Two contrasting views of a problem are presented

(C)  Recent scientific advancements are outlined in order of importance

(D)  A problem is examined and possible solutions are given



Part Four—Composition(Please use 100 to 300 words to write a short article.)


Topic: My First Job